On Friday 10th March 2023, Winsford Town Council celebrated the unsung heroes of the town with a special awards evening, Winsford Star Awards, held at the Winsford Academy. DeepStore and Compass Minerals U.K. were pleased to sponsor the evening along with sponsoring the awards for “Teacher of the Year” and “Carer of the Year”.

The Winsford Star Awards recognise individuals who have gone above and beyond to support members of the Winsford community and have made a significant difference to others’ lives, achieved something special, or contributed to the Winsford community.

The ‘Star Award’ categories, winners were:

1. Volunteer of the Year – Laura Scott, Fancy Feet

2. Teacher of the Year – Claire Edgeley, headteacher, Over Hall School

3. Youth Worker of the Year – James Dubber, teaches MMA classes

4. Carer of the Year – Tracey McVicar

5. Uniformed Services Worker of the Year – Steve Bishop, PCSO coach

6. Young Person of the Year – Freddie Sant, Junior Mayor We were very proud to support the Winsford Star Awards for a second year running and would like to congratulate everyone involved.