Winsford’s first-ever Pride event occurred on Saturday, 9th September, and was sponsored in part by DeepStore and Compass Minerals. Winsford Pride 2023 was attended by residents identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, asexual and more (LGBTQ+), allies
and supporters.

Windsford Pride Logo

“It was beautiful to see the support for the LGBTQ+ community,” said Morag Horne, Head of HR, U.K. “At Compass Minerals and DeepStore, we want every person to feel that they can be their unique self at work, and it’s fantastic that this sentiment is reflected in the Winsford township as well.”

The event celebrated society’s progress towards equality for people of every gender and sexuality, whilst acknowledging there’s still work to be done in the fight towards fair and equal treatment for all.

Deepstore supporting Windsford Pride
Spreading the message that every voice matters: (l-r) Charlotte Mitchell, Head of Operations, DeepStore; Helena Greetham, HR Business Partner, U.K.; Dawn McQuillan, Salt Customer Service and Logistics Manager, Winsford; and Matt Bradshaw, Group Financial Controller, Winsford.