In February 2012 the Council initiated a detailed procurement process to select one supplier to manage their archaeological archives including pottery, animal bone, human skeletal remains and building materials as well as site plans, records, drawing and images.
DeepStore began managing the archaeological archives of Cambridgeshire County Council in March 2013 and the working relationship has continued to flourish since then.
Up until this point, Cambridgeshire County Council had provided a building to store this material but it was becoming increasingly unfit for purpose and reaching capacity.
The archaeological archives are constantly being added to as more sites are dug and DeepStore offered a long term solution for storage in a cost effective manner and in favourable conditions.
One of DeepStore’s key attributes in the eyes of the Council is the flexibility to take in a new category of material and since appointment DeepStore has successfully managed to store all types of material carefully and provide effective unlimited future capacity.
Quinton Carroll, Historic-Environment Team Manager at Cambridgeshire County Council said:
“We really appreciated the willingness to work with us to tailor the solution to meet our needs and the efforts made bu the team to understand our business and requirements.”
“Archaeological archiving has its unique problems, but we are confident that we have found a cost-effective long term solution with DeepStore.”