Remembrance Day Service

On Remembrance Day, 11 November, DeepStore and Compass Minerals UK held a service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph on Bradford Road, Winsford.

Reverend Canon Paul Dawson, Vicar for the parishes of St Mary, Whitegate and St Peter, Little Budworth, conducted the service of Remembrance. While DeepStore and Compass Minerals employees, retirees and those from the local community gathered to lay wreaths and observe a two-minute silence to pay respects and remember those who lost their lives in the service of our country.

We remembered those who worked at the Winsford mine and lost their lives during World War One and World War Two.

World War One

E Albiston
C Astles
J Astles
H Bowden
E Bratt
J T Biscoe
J W Brittleton
J Brown
R Burrows
C Butler
L Cheshire
W Curzon
C Dean
C Done
H Done
J Dudley
W Dunning
J Fryer

S Gibson
W H Goulding
H Groves
F Hamlett
J Hitchen
J Hope
E Hopley
A Hough
H Jackson
H Johnson
Jno Johnson
Jds Johnson
J Knowles
J Leigh
J Lightfoot
W Nield
E Oliver
C Parker

E Perry
T Preston
C Ravenscoft
G W Shaw
J Shaw
S Skelton
G Smith
T Southern
R Sproston
W Such
C Threadgold
E Tomlinson
J Tomlinson
A Whitehead
E Wilkinson
J Wilkinson
C Williams

World War Two

W C Barton

C Brandon

H Brookes

DC Cornes

A F Fitton

A Fleet

A Hankey

S Knowles

S Noden

R S Partington

H Threadgold

Pictured laying the wreath is Flying Officer Martin Moores RAFAC, Compass Minerals UK and DeepStore IT Service Engineer
Brian Clarke laying the wreath
Pictured laying the wreath is Brian Clarke, Retiree of Compass Minerals

We would also like to thank Anna Smith, trumpeter from Hartford Church of England High School for performing The Last Post and The Reveille.